
ceturtdiena, 2010. gada 18. novembris

Šis ir autortiesību pārkāpums.

Droši vien. Bet tā kā mans blogs ir kosmiski, galaktiski un bezgalīgi slepens, es to te ievietošu tik un tā. Tas ir citāts no Katherine Paterson's Pep talk vienā superīgā projektā, kuru es par laimi jau esmu nokavējusi un varu saņemties vēl vienu gadu (vai vēl vienu gadu meklēt attaisnojumus, lai to nedarītu)-NaNoWriMo:

"I just said to myself that I had to write two
pages a day before I could do anything else. The margins could be wide and
there was no requirement for quality. I just had to finish the two pages.
Eventually, the log jam broke and I found myself moving forward without
that iron rule.

I aim always to get to the end of the first draft even though all the time
I'm telling myself that I'm writing nothing but garbage that no one on
earth would ever want to read, especially me. But I tell myself that this
poor little attempt, this garbage, deserves a chance."

Viņa ir "Tilts uz Terabitiju" autore.

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