
ceturtdiena, 2017. gada 14. decembris

Turning the ship around

It happens very slowly. 

At first you don't even know it's happening. The lever has been pushed, but for a moment there is really no sign of change. And even when the horizon signals you are now going elsewhere (is it signalling?), for a while longer than bearable everything still feels the same - the water's the same. The ship, although now maybe leaking differently, as a monumental entity is still the same - heavy, material, never really shifting shape. It is the same damned ocean with its storms and waves, and currents. 

But the ship is changing its course. Gradually, then suddenly. There are forces everywhere - forces of creation underneath the water, forces of natural destruction, old routes calling back and fresh breezes of possible, new places ahead. I can feel it all. 

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